Saturday, June 19, 2010


Simple little things can be turned into a huge dramatic production. Mountains out of a mole hill. Calamity of errors. Something as simple as laundry can become quite the ordeal! No word of a lie!! First it's a matter of gathering all the clothes. We have laundry baskets and a couple of hampers in the house, so I head on an expedition to gather them.

Hmmmm, been 3 days since I have done laundry and they are ALL empty except for mine? How can that be? I know they have been wearing clothes, and I'm pretty certain it wasn't the same outfit over and over and over. Curiouser and curiouser...... OHHHHH! mystery solved! They threw them on the floor BESIDE the hampers!! Silly me!

So I gather up all the clothes, put them into my trusty baskets and hampers and head upstairs to do the laundry. I must admit I am very anal when it comes to laundry. I HATE it when people throw all the colours into the washer together!! It makes me feel faint!! No lie!!! So I sort the laundry. Yes, the reds have their own load. You may laugh and think that is funny, but that is the way it must be in my house.

Also, dirty socks do not get thrown in with the rest of the laundry!!!! Do you hear me????? I certainly hope so! They have been stuffed into shoes, sneakers, boots and heavens only knows what all day long. Dirt and sweat.... tasty sounding isn't it? I'm sure you want your blouses washed with your socks, don't you? NOT!!!!

The best part of sorting the laundry though, is turning everything right side out. WHY can't people turn their clothes right side out when they take them off?????? Someone has to teach them. Not only are they inside out, but each and every sock is rolled up into a teeny tiny little ball.... ewwww! Dirtier than all get out and some stiff as a post ..... blech!!

Where do kids get all the 'stuff' that comes out of their pockets?????? Creepy crawly little critters, some dead and ....ewwwwww ..... some still moving. Every little piece of garbage a person can find that will fit into a pocket, toys, jump drives, food, gum, and my favourite.... lip gloss. Ever put one of them babies through the dryer??? Through the washer is nothing, but put that baby through the dryer and your clothes are ruined!!! I mean RUINED!! Ever smelled melted lip gloss before???? Trust me you don't want to!!

So laundry is gathered, sorted and is now being washed. Load in the washer, one in the dryer and one being folded. What I don't understand is how you can put PAIRS of socks into the washer and dryer but have only ONE sock come out in the end??? Perhpas Calvin and Hobbes are right and that a few socks have to be sacrificed to appease the laundry god????

Laundry is hanging in the laundry room drying or being folded into nice neat piles, ready to be put away. Ahhhh, satisfaction! Mission complete! Well, when they finally get around to putting their laundry away it will be mission complete! Last load is in the dryer.... I love a job well done.

"MOM!!" a voice comes floating up the stairs, "Have you washed the clothes yet? I have some jeans and clothes that need washed!!"

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