Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Greatest Person I Never Met.....

The greatest person I never met has changed my life more than anyone can say. Most people would automatically assume that it would be a celebrity, world leader, world peace leader, or perhaps someone in a position of authority in our city our community. Most people would be wrong.

This person has changed my life so completely that they will never know. The strongest person, most persistent person and most courageous person that I have ever met has changed me so completely. I have slowly been going in a downward spiral over the last couple of years that I really didn't know I was and when I realized it didn't know how to get out of. Always being happy, however, living in my own little world with very limited friends around me and dealing with myself and my three children has been life until a few short months ago. That's when I realized that no matter how badly I felt and how bad I thought my life was.... I had it all.

The greatest person I never met is currently in the hospital fighting for their life. Even more so than they have this past year. I have cried today.... sobbed is more like it.... for them. All they wanted was to have Christmas. A very great Christmas from what they wrote to me, and I am so very thankful for that. A great family that had a wonderful Christmas that answered one very courageous amazing person's wish. I have been crying today realizing that I feel so sorry for myself over simple little things, and they stands tall and strong in the face of a disease that is determined to defeat them. They battle agonizing pain and put on a smile for family and friends without complaint.

To the greatest person I have never met, I am sending all my prayers.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

What Nobody Knows....

sitting and seeing what life has brought us
looking in the pool of memories
the good, the bad and the ugly
small smile upon my face, secret almost
because I know something that they don't know
life is what you make it and mine is perfectly wonderful

others looking at me see what they want to see
feeling sorry for me and the life I have led
thinking there should have been something more
needed to do something more, lacking much
should have had something more....
but I know something they don't know
I had it all... and I still do

wealth, fame, material things mean nothing to me at all
family, love and happiness... my kids most important
life is what you make it and I've made mine perfect
maybe not in your eyes, but it's my eyes that count
you can keep your 'important things in life' I have my own
my kids, my family and my friends make me richer than Midas
what nobody knows..... I don't want for anything more


Simple little things can be turned into a huge dramatic production. Mountains out of a mole hill. Calamity of errors. Something as simple as laundry can become quite the ordeal! No word of a lie!! First it's a matter of gathering all the clothes. We have laundry baskets and a couple of hampers in the house, so I head on an expedition to gather them.

Hmmmm, been 3 days since I have done laundry and they are ALL empty except for mine? How can that be? I know they have been wearing clothes, and I'm pretty certain it wasn't the same outfit over and over and over. Curiouser and curiouser...... OHHHHH! mystery solved! They threw them on the floor BESIDE the hampers!! Silly me!

So I gather up all the clothes, put them into my trusty baskets and hampers and head upstairs to do the laundry. I must admit I am very anal when it comes to laundry. I HATE it when people throw all the colours into the washer together!! It makes me feel faint!! No lie!!! So I sort the laundry. Yes, the reds have their own load. You may laugh and think that is funny, but that is the way it must be in my house.

Also, dirty socks do not get thrown in with the rest of the laundry!!!! Do you hear me????? I certainly hope so! They have been stuffed into shoes, sneakers, boots and heavens only knows what all day long. Dirt and sweat.... tasty sounding isn't it? I'm sure you want your blouses washed with your socks, don't you? NOT!!!!

The best part of sorting the laundry though, is turning everything right side out. WHY can't people turn their clothes right side out when they take them off?????? Someone has to teach them. Not only are they inside out, but each and every sock is rolled up into a teeny tiny little ball.... ewwww! Dirtier than all get out and some stiff as a post ..... blech!!

Where do kids get all the 'stuff' that comes out of their pockets?????? Creepy crawly little critters, some dead and ....ewwwwww ..... some still moving. Every little piece of garbage a person can find that will fit into a pocket, toys, jump drives, food, gum, and my favourite.... lip gloss. Ever put one of them babies through the dryer??? Through the washer is nothing, but put that baby through the dryer and your clothes are ruined!!! I mean RUINED!! Ever smelled melted lip gloss before???? Trust me you don't want to!!

So laundry is gathered, sorted and is now being washed. Load in the washer, one in the dryer and one being folded. What I don't understand is how you can put PAIRS of socks into the washer and dryer but have only ONE sock come out in the end??? Perhpas Calvin and Hobbes are right and that a few socks have to be sacrificed to appease the laundry god????

Laundry is hanging in the laundry room drying or being folded into nice neat piles, ready to be put away. Ahhhh, satisfaction! Mission complete! Well, when they finally get around to putting their laundry away it will be mission complete! Last load is in the dryer.... I love a job well done.

"MOM!!" a voice comes floating up the stairs, "Have you washed the clothes yet? I have some jeans and clothes that need washed!!"

Sunday, June 13, 2010

In the quiet.... pretty self explanatory

To much romance.... I'm going to be sick. Oh I love him, she's so cute, we make the best couple. I am not jealous by any means, but I am so tired of everyone around me being so 'mushy gushy'. Sometimes people just need to keep it to themselves. To see a couple walking down the street holding hands is very nice. To see a look pass between them knowing they have a silent communication is amazing to see. The quietness of knowing another person inside and out.... why can't people realize that is the way a relationship should be.

Too much yelling, throwing, drama, public 'sexual' displays (because there really isn't any other name for them!!). Slobbering all over each other... yuck. It's disappointing what 'love' is coming to these days. It's not disposable... it is forever. It should be aged like a fine wine... don't rush it. Don't cheapen it with drama and inappropriate public displays. Let it be quiet.... and grow as it should.

Conversations, taking walks, or just sitting quietly beside each other are so important... don't cheapen it by making it loud and dramatic. In the quiet there is love and understanding. In the peacefulness there is contentment and communication. In the stillness there is two wonderful people that belong........

Lazy Day of Almost Summer

It was not my intention to laze about the house all day when I woke up this morning but that is exactly what happened. I was woken up this morning to the sound of my daughter's cat. I could hear it meowing very loudly but I knew it was not in my room. This is an oddity because I have woken up many a time in the middle of the night to a paw tapping my nose, or a cat walking over me, or even better, paws on my cheeks and nose to nose with Mr. Meow.

So I get up out of bed thinking the cat needs food in his dish, which is usually his only concern. He's not in the hallway, not upstairs and no where to be found. I just nicely sit my bottom on the toilet and I hear him meowing again. Hmmmm, he's playing hide and seek? I begin my search one more time but still can't find him. I walk into the kitchen and I hear him meowing again. Where?

"Where are you you little bugger?" "meow" "Here kitty kitty!" "MEOW" "Kitty?" "MEOW MEOW MEOW" Being the smart detective I am, I followed the meows. "KITTY! how did you get outside?"
With a big "MEOW" he jumped up at me , so I had to catch him, snuggled in and began to meow at me. I patted him and the purring began.

I'm not a cat lover, but I felt bad for him. Poor little (HUGE) indoor cat!! So once that was over and I was wide awake without a hope of getting back to sleep, I put in a load of laundry, piled the dishes to get them ready to wash, tidied up the living room and made myself some tea. I sat down in front of the computer to check my emails and decided to go for a walk.

Waited for my youngest bug to wake up and eat breakfast then we headed out for a walk. Beautiful sunny morning, not too hot, not too humid, it was perfect. Then we got home from our walk, I sat down on the sofa and watched movies all day. Haha!! I accomplished so much today!!!

In fact.... I think that load of laundry I started at 5 might still be in the washer. I better go check it out!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

You Have to Keep it Simple

If there is something that everyone of us need to learn is that, to keep it all together you have to keep it simple. In order to keep your sanity, you have to keep it simple. I am a single mom of three wonderful children that really know how to keep me on my toes. In order to be the Mom that I not only need to be, but also want to be for my kids, I need to keep it simple.

Drama has to take a back seat. Drama takes more energy, more thought, and certainly more scheming. Shrug off the drama cape and put on the reality hat. So much easier getting through your day that way. Life is too short to spend trying to figure out a way to keep everyone's attention with drama, just learn to enjoy it. Trust me, it'll be so much easier and enjoyable.

Trust me, my life is not all sunshine and lollipops... you're going to hear about the good, the bad,and the ugly on here! So tune in, and I'll post whenever I can. Ups and downs of life, the ins and outs of parenting my girls, and seeing how I can keep it simpler without losing my sanity!!!

Cheers all,